2 /12 Pitch

TOPIcs: Is A Metal Roof Right For My House

2 /12 Pitch

RETURN TO Is A Metal Roof Right For My House
You would need to use a mechanically seamed standing seam due to the pitch. That will make a very good roof. You may wish to consider aluminum, zinc, copper, stainless ... as metal options due to the proximity to the ocean.
Todd Miller
2013-01-19 08:01:27.000000
We are designing our house, and our designer has come up with a fantastic design, however because of the pitch of the roof, 2 / 12, we are not sure if we can use a metal roof on it. What are your thoughts on this? If we can, what kind would you recommend? To further complicate things we are about 1.5 km's from the ocean. We would appreciate any help you could provide.
Derek Lamb
2013-01-18 23:37:07.000000