New construction metal roof/walls

TOPIcs: Installation

New construction metal roof/walls

RETURN TO Installation
We have recently framed an 80x40 home. The roof has an 8/12 pitch with attic trusses for living quarters upstairs. The trusses and wall framing is on 2ft centers. The framer has put 2x4 perlins on 3ft centers and wall lathing on 3ft centers as we. Before the metal goes on, he is wanting to use asphalt coated fiber board on top of perlins and between lathing. The walls would be covered with house wrap. I was just wondering what most metal installers would typically use and if I wouldn't be better off just using double bubble wrap over perlins and lathing both, skipping the fiber board all together. THANKS in advance. I've heard of too many different ways with no real certainty of which is best.
Guest User
2012-11-05 18:33:00.000000
Marty, Thanks for using metal! I tend to agree with you. Putting fiber board on top of purlins spaced 3' on center causes the sheathing to span farther that I am used to seeing. Many metal roof panel systems can easily span 3'. Before going to double bubble and deleting the fiber board, you should make sure the metal panels are adequate for expected wind, live and snow loads with a 3' span. Also, you should make sure the fiber board is not required for diaphragm support before deleting it. Regards, david Stermer
David Stermer
2012-11-06 08:16:15.000000