Thin Film PV Laminate

TOPIcs: Energy Efficiency

Thin Film PV Laminate

RETURN TO Energy Efficiency
I do not know of anyone else making it commercially available here in the states though there is still a lot of Unisolar product out there I understand. Let's see what others have to say!
Todd Miller
2012-10-14 08:11:09.000000
Angela, Uni-Solar was a US company. I would say that most metal roofing companies will have some sort of option for solar, probably rack-mounted traditional crystalline PV panels.
Todd Miller
2012-11-12 05:22:38.000000
Does anyone know of a company that produces Thin Film PV Laminate for standing seam metal roofs? Since the bankruptcy of Uni-Solar/Energy Conversion Devices, I have not been able to find a manufacturer.
Scott Burford
2012-10-13 18:42:24.000000