I have a double wife I'm putting metal roof on over shingle
We'll the dorm is over door but doesn't extend out any but the ridge on it will meet ridge on top.
How would I void this or fix this.
The dorms peak runs into the peak of house..
Guest User
2012-10-07 20:25:46.000000
Is it ok to put metal roof over shingles on a trailer house? There is no felt, just shingles.
Guest User
2015-01-26 17:46:03.000000
Interesting that you have a double wife. Good luck with that. :-)
It is not uncommon to have the situation you have where the two ridges must be joined. I would keep the ridge on the main roof continuous and miter the dormer ridge into it.
Todd Miller
2012-10-07 23:31:34.000000
Girlie, as long as the manufacturer instructions for the new roof are followed, including meeting the minimum pitch and using the appropriate underlayment, you should be okay. If your home has little or no ventilation in the attic though you should discuss that with your metal roofing supplier.