Low slope porch roof

TOPIcs: Installation

Low slope porch roof

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Mechanical seam panels can be applied as low as 1/4":12 with commercial height of the seam (1,5 or 2"). Its always the flashing details and also valley connection you need to take into biggest account on low slope roofs and roof to wall detail.... There is way to tie valley to all panels with double lock mechanical seam rather than Z flashing and butyl tape, or hook method. With proper design: valley can be dropped-recessed few inches to work as deep troft and the double lock mechanical seam can be lay down:) There is issue of condensation on underside of the panel resulting in pre mature rusting.... This is fairly new topic in US and drainage mats in combination with underlayment and proper ventilation should be taken into account. All tile products in general are most comfortable at 4:12 and greater. Some are ok at 3:12.
Guest User
2013-02-13 22:00:13.000000
If it is under 3:12 pitch I would suggest a mechanically seamed standing seam. Also, sometimes ventilation can be an issue on these roofs. I'd be happy to discuss your situation in detail. Please feel free to call me at 1-800-543-8938 ext 201
Todd Miller
2012-10-06 14:52:30.000000
Sure. Feel free to call or email. 1-800-543-8938 ext 201 todd@asktoddmiller.com
Todd Miller
2013-01-16 14:47:26.000000
Can anyone provide some guidelines for deciding on metal roof for a low slope roof application. Pros and Cons kind of thing, or some guide that would help to decide whether the two porch roofs that will require roofing after renovation is appropriate. Have heard numerous opinions but no definitive answers.
Michael Clayton
2012-10-06 09:47:32.000000
Todd, I would like to ask you some questions about my low slope porch also, Is it okay to call you. Greg Beach
greg beach
2013-01-16 13:07:09.000000