Flashing valleys on metal roof

TOPIcs: Installation

Flashing valleys on metal roof

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Opie, Thanks for the question. Joining 2 pieces of valley flashing in a water-tight fashion at their junction can be difficult. What I have seen that works well is to extend the dormer ridge flashing over this junction and back underneath the main roof panel. The ridge then tends to cover and shed water away from this difficult area. Regards, David Stermer
David Stermer
2012-09-12 09:43:21.000000
I knave a dormer ridge line that goes into a 6/12 pitch metal roof. How do I run metal valley flashing (two valleys) up and over the dormer ridge? I can't figure out how to seal the flashing over the dormer ridge. With gratitude, Opie
M Berger
2012-09-11 12:01:11.000000