How to fix the hole

TOPIcs: Installation

How to fix the hole

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Unless you'd prefer to replace the entire panel, I would probably shorten the screw so that you can get it to seat and then seal it in and cover the head with a quality butyl sealant.
Todd Miller
2012-08-25 09:30:52.000000
During the process of installing my metal roof (over existing shingles) I encountered a problem. I was putting in my final lasr screw to finish the panel when the screw hit something. I have encounter a few previous triald in which I got the drill gun out drilled the metal,or nail, etc and kept going....however this time , no luck. So now I have a hole a little smaller than aa dime and the screw will not bite. Thiss hole is located at the edge of the home not in the field of the panel, like by where gutters would be. Any ideas what to do?
casey nowlin
2012-08-24 23:24:30.000000