Insulation under metal roof

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Insulation under metal roof

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We have had some contractors tell us that you should not put insulation between an ashalt roof and a metal roof and others say it is okay. We are looking to find out what is best. Also, should you put the metal roof over shingles with 1x4 in between or should it be flat? Thanks for your help.
Guest User
2012-07-20 21:22:19.000000
The answer on the insulation question depends upon what type of metal roof you're installing and also somewhat on the pitch of the roof. Generally speaking though I prefer insulation be on top of ceilings and, if anything an airspace can be helpful beneath the roofing material. However, not all metal roofs can be installed over battens as you mentioned.
Todd Miller
2012-07-22 08:20:34.000000
Totally depends (as Todd stated) on the roof and attic type. If you can shed some more light on that, I am sure we can give you some more poignant advice.
Eric Novotny
2012-07-24 05:34:35.000000