Skylights & gutter questions

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Skylights & gutter questions

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Hi Catherine, Sorry to hear about your roof issues. I personally would look for a contractor with commercial roofing experience as they will know more about low slope roofs with protrusions. You also should use a mechanically seamed standing seam on that low pitch. As far as gutters or not ... it does not make a huge difference. If you have had problems with ice damming, some sort of snow melt system in the gutters and on the roof edge would be good. Sol-Ice makes a heated drip edge that could be helpful. I would suggest a 6" gutter in this area if you use gutters. You also need a drip edge off of the roof leading into the gutter,
Todd Miller
2012-07-22 07:49:14.000000
We have a standing seam metal roof on a shed dormer with less than or near a 2:12 pitch. We had the metal roof installed 10 years ago, but apparently challenged the installation with 4 skylights, bathroom stack, oven vent stack, and chimney. Skylights are Velux, but we have found out that the skylights were not properly flashed, and were not installed correctly, as we now have leaking from around the skylight, and at the top of the standing seams, which were just caulked, and now have water leaking in other areas. We are faced with replacing what we thought was a long term roof, not because of the material chosen, but because we did not have the correct installer. It seems best that we replace the roof since it wasn't cut and/or flashed correctly, and while we are at it, will replace the 4 skylights in some fashion (curbed or not, multiple skylights of different size or location to allow a single flashing unit or ease of installing metal around them). 1. Can you please explain what I should look for in an installer, or what I should make sure an installer does? 2. Originally we had no gutter, then added one, but in your gallery I see both guttered and non-guttered, what determines whether or not a gutter is on the roof edge? Our metal roof is above other areas of our house's roof.
Catherine Heaton
2012-07-20 15:10:02.000000
+1 Sorry to hear about this Catherine. As Todd stated, talk to roofers who have experience in low slope applications and hopefully they have work samples to clearly show that type of application (i.e. low slope with penetrations and skylights). Gutters are a non-issue and you should fix the head loss issue first if you are worried about ice damning.
Eric Novotny
2012-07-24 05:33:21.000000