pieced metal

TOPIcs: Installation

pieced metal

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That does not surprise me on the end strips but I am a little concerned about the panels themselves. Is there any way that you can send me pictures? todd@asktoddmiller.com
Todd Miller
2012-07-04 12:00:43.000000
Typically the trim pieces if that is what you're talking about on the ends come in standard lengths of 10' or 12' and then are lapped on the job. If you were led to believe you were expecting a job without panels that are lapped, then I think that is what you should get. I am very sorry you've run into this.
Todd Miller
2012-07-04 14:45:46.000000
A lot depends upon the profile of metal panel you had installed, what the pitch of the roof is, and how well they sealed the overlap. Could weather enter at the lap? Yes, it could.
Todd Miller
2012-07-04 14:58:09.000000
I just had a metal roof installed. I'm a single mom, and no nothing about metal roofing...They installed my roof, which was too short, so they pieced it all the way across the top. (front and back) is that going to be alright?? Also someone pointed out to me that the the stripes on the end (the stuff you put on the side like a frame) are also pieced.
Sheila Meeks
2012-07-04 11:48:34.000000
I could send a picture but its at the top, don't think it would show. So its ok on the sides??? What it is, they had it cut 4 inches too short, (they said ) they put a 10 inch piece over it at the top. They said they would replace it. But they were mad..ha,,, I'm afraid they are going to really mess me up now..
Sheila Meeks
2012-07-04 13:28:51.000000
Do you think the wind could blow rain in the pieced part? Thanks soo much for talking to me.
Sheila Meeks
2012-07-04 14:54:05.000000
Thanks so much.
Sheila Meeks
2012-07-04 15:13:47.000000