I recently read that vertical furing strips along with horizontal strips be used for ventilation. I agree with the vertical strips, but how would you do both and still get the proper ventilation needed. I believe this was from Todd's reply to a post.
Guest User
2012-05-29 20:53:08.000000
Most metal roofs which can be installed in battens require horizontal battens. Installing vertical battens first and then horizontal on top of those creates vertically oriented air chambers which can be vented with intake air at the bottom and exhaust vents at the ridge. The horizontal battens are applied on top of, not between, the vertical battens.
Todd Miller
2012-05-29 22:12:11.000000
It is a combination effect (just as Todd pointed out) if you are looking for over deck venting.
Kind of like this: http://www.greenspec.co.uk/images/articles/refurb/ventroof/vent-proposed.png