Ridge Vents vs static vent

TOPIcs: Installation

Ridge Vents vs static vent

RETURN TO Installation
Ridge vent combined with plenty of soffit vents will get you the better and more complete air exchanges of the two options.
Todd Miller
2012-04-20 10:33:20.000000
I am installing a metal roof over existing shingled roof. The previous roofers did not install roof vents. I have a standard rectangular hip roof with long running soffit vents that wrap the entire house. I am trying to decide which venting style is better...ridge vent or static vents, with this type of installation considering ease of installation, weather tightness, and overall energy efficiency. And dependent on which type, what is the best installation method for the vents with the new metal roof over shingles? Thanks.
Scott Smith
2012-04-20 08:22:47.000000
Right on. Not to mention it will make the roof look cleaner too!
Eric Novotny
2012-04-20 14:13:49.000000