valley help

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valley help

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Todd is correct, what is the material being used on the 1:12? It is good that you are concerned. Do you have a roof plan that you can send me to review? I will be able to make a better recommendation if I knew dimensions. You can e-mail me at
Dick Bus
2012-04-19 07:27:35.000000
I looked at a job to quote today that I need advice on. Job will have a 60 ft long valley. One side of valley is a 6/12 pitch. The other side of the valley is only on a 1/12 pitch. My concern is that with standard valley flashing and the one side so flat, there may be issues with water running under panels on flat pitch. Anyone ever deal with this or have any recommendations? Thanks!
Guest User
2012-04-19 00:38:44.000000
opening up for replies. Right off hand, I would say that much depends upon what sort of roofing material is being used on the 1:12
Todd Miller
2012-04-19 05:03:41.000000