Metal roof over foam roof

TOPIcs: Installation

Metal roof over foam roof

RETURN TO Installation
You can probably put decking or a heavy recovery board over the foam and then install a metal roof that is designed for that low pitch. I would not apply direct over the foam.
Todd Miller
2012-04-18 07:05:27.000000
I have a house with an existing polyurethane roof that I want to place a new metal roof over since to refinsish the poly roof is too expensive. The pitch is pretty shallow maybe 2-12. The roof is water tight but showing sun damage, and has divits from hail storm damage. Fairly smooth other than the divits, some are 1/4-1/2 inch deep. Is it possible to put the metal roof over the existing roof? What are my best options? Trying to keep costs low if possible. Thank you.
Steve Agius
2012-04-13 17:06:46.000000
+1 to Todd's advice. I don't like going directly over top because when you fasten the roof, it is very easy to pull the roof down and sections and create unevenness as well as translate the dips into the new metal roof. There are nail base boards as well that will give you a level decking. Metal should be a permanent options so get the deck squared away and ready for the new roof.
Eric Novotny
2012-04-18 09:04:28.000000