Metal over Shake Roof

TOPIcs: Installation

Metal over Shake Roof

RETURN TO Installation
I have a 30+ year old shake roof in need of replacement. My neighbor had a metal roof installed about 5 years ago and loves it. He says they installed it over his existing shake roof eliminating the need for a roof tear off and it has he added benifit of better insulating the roof. Just wondering about the possibility and advisability of doing this.
Guest User
2012-04-12 13:55:35.000000
It really depends a lot upon the product being installed and the condition and construction of the current roof. I have seen this done successfully hundreds if not thousands of times though in my career. Feel free to call me at 1-800-543-8938 ext 201 if you'd like to discuss your project in greater detail and talk through this possibility.
Todd Miller
2012-04-12 14:06:18.000000
The shakes (or anything on the roof in this case) do not serve any insulation purposes. While it does save on dumping fees, I always prefer to go down on a decking to minimize the variability of the project.
Eric Novotny
2012-04-13 07:35:18.000000