Standing seam--valley detail

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Standing seam--valley detail

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Thank you David for your prompt reply. I'm still having some difficulty visualizing the details. You couldn't direct me to some drawings or even a video could you? In the meantime I'll make a model and play around with some paper 'flashings' and 'panels'. Peter
Guest User
2012-03-30 11:05:27.000000
Peter, Thanks for the question. This condition is certainly tricky. The guiding principle for installing this and all flashings is to work from low to high. The panel on the low eave roof plane should be end-lapped at the valley intersection. So, install the pieces in this order: 1) The low panel (below the valley) - cut at high end to accomodate valley flashing and upper panel 2) Valley flashing - one side extends out on the lower panel, the other side attaches to eave trim 3) Upper panel - lap onto high edge of valley flash and lower panel. Keep the lap line upslope of the path of the water in the valley. 4) Panels on other roof plane A couple of concerns to think about: 1) On the long panel that the valley ties into, the location of the sidelap rib can be a problem if it falls near the end of the valley. 2) Care should be given to avoid binding the floating mechanism of the standing seam system at the valley tie-in. I hope this helps and good luck! David Stermer
David Stermer
2012-03-30 09:14:11.000000
I will soon be installing a standing seam metal roof and cannot visualize the bottom of the valley--panel intersection where the eaves are different heights. A picture may be seen in the photo gallery: . Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Peter Martin
2012-03-29 22:26:46.000000