I am not sure what the issue is. Is there a leaking problem? Or are the neoprene closures coming out? You are correct, the transition should be properly flashed. But you may have a problem where the chimney is flashed or its attachment points. You may want to contact the manufacturer of the system and confirm if their recommended details were used. Let us know if we can help futher.
Dick Bus
2012-03-15 13:29:54.000000
It is interesting that you immediately latched on to the stove pipe interface well-above the seam. I know that I have some issues with the stove pipe interface. So, I'm going to get that repaired before I look at the main seam.
- Dave
Guest User
2012-04-01 12:40:23.000000
I have a log home with a 10/12 pitch. On one side of the home, the roof slopes down and interfaces with a porch roof. The porch roof continues the slope in the same direction; however, the slope of the porch roof is 3/12 (or so).
Currently, the interface in the transition is a metal rail with a flange that slips under the top part (the 10/12 part) of the roof. The metal rail has a strip of foam; and the bottom course (3/10 pitch) of metal is inserted (butts) into the foam. I believe I'm having problems with this.
It seems to me that the best solution is a metal part that is formed at an angle so that it accommodates the transition of the pitch; slipping one side under the top part of the roof and overlaying at the bottom part of the roof.
My questions are: is there anything like this on the market? Can I have it custom made at reasonable cost? If this does not make sense, what is the solution most often used for this roof configuration?