Metal Roof Question

TOPIcs: Installation

Metal Roof Question

RETURN TO Installation
I am doing some research on metal roofs vs. asphalt shingles. It seems the concensus is that metal roofs are better. I was wondering if you can tell me if in a Type II non-combustible commercial construction project if having the required fire retardant treated wood substrate for the asphalt shingles to be placed on is more expensive (for the cost of the treated lumber - in a 27,000 sq. foot building) as opposed to a metal roof that does not require treated lumber beneath it and can be connected to "purlins" spaced apart? I hope this makes sense as I am not a building person. This is important in our neighborhood making a decision on how to deal with some new construction that is going on in our neighborhood. Any help is appreciated.
Guest User
2012-01-26 23:48:04.000000
Kim, I am going to open up this question and hopefully others will have some input.
Todd Miller
2012-01-27 05:18:45.000000
What is the basis for the FRT plywood requirement? Are they worried about flame spread and combustibility from the roof down or the building up? Purlins are a great way to avoid the cost of sheeting altogether but you must take special consideration when looking at the condensation questions and how the roof assembly will be vented and what the moisture control will consist of. What is the building going to be used for?
Eric Novotny
2012-01-27 08:51:06.000000