vent pipes

TOPIcs: Installation

vent pipes

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Per code, these must be vented to the outside. There may be some confusion going on here between plumbing vents and attic exhaust vents. Attic exhaust vents are important too but the standard ones can be replaced by a ridge vent and also a hot roof is an option for eliminating attic exhaust vents.
Todd Miller
2012-01-19 05:36:32.000000
Per code, these vents must have unobstructed venting to the outside.
Todd Miller
2012-01-19 05:59:56.000000
Consulted a roofing company for a metal roof. Got estimate and asked questions concerning vent pipes for metal roof. Roofer stated that metal roofs can and be with without them. Read a reply here in one of the forums that metal roofs are installed without vents. if so, How are the sewer gases vented from home without cutting holes in roof and installing vent pipes that are on traditional asphalt roofed homes. Is this possible?
randall patterson
2012-01-19 01:19:09.000000
Plumbing vents were in question. Please elaborate on these per original question.
randall patterson
2012-01-19 05:56:38.000000
+1 You don't want those fumes dumping into the attic.
Eric Novotny
2012-01-19 07:33:04.000000