Aircraft Hanger House

TOPIcs: Corrugated Roof

Aircraft Hanger House

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
I own a Miracle Truss Aircraft Hanger in West Georgia, built only to shield airplanes from the elements - ie, with no real thought of accomodating living quarters. I am now, however, building a 3000 sq ft apartment inside the hanger. The metal hanger roof consists of the 30 ft corrigated metal sections screwed to 2X6 perlins. That's it. The perlins are low grade wood, and bowed in places, so the installers missed the perlins in many places, in fact hunted for them in other spots by going in at an angle! Obviously the roof leaks like a strainer. What are my options here? Caulk all the screw heads? Apply a rubber roof sealant product like Epoxy Flex? Remove the tin, and sheet with OBS, felt, etc., and relpace the tin? What do you recommend? Thanks! Kelly Leggette
Guest User
2003-09-02 11:06:15.000000
The answer depends on your budget. Obviously removing it, fixing warpped purlins and installing a new roof is the best bet. This would give you a chance to install a moisture barrier under the roofing to help control condensation. Please appreciate that you are changing the function of the building and if there is moist heat loss you could create condensation. For a low budget, you could strap the sides of the purlins with lumber fastening strip in the locations required that would allow you to remove the suspect screws and install new ones correctly. There are metal recoating systems that have tape to patch screws and then recoat the entire roof. These systems do have limitations on building movement so you would need to consult with somebody. Remember that once again you are chaning the use of the building and you do want to hold the roof down in a high winds. If you seal the roof completely it could be more vulnerable to lift off in high winds if the fasteners are not contacting. Hope this helps.
Allan Reid
2003-09-03 07:40:54.000000