I am working on a project and looking at a single slope shed roof at 16'x41' dimensions.
The location is extremely remote and I am worried that installation would require expert help and heavy equipment which may not be supported.
Is there any products you produce or know of that can be a simple transport, easy install with local labor and knowleadgeable workman in a case like mine?
Idealy, I would purchase a natural, sustainable, metal roof that could be shipped and installed with the ability to sustain 100+ mph winds at times and severe ocean storms.
Is there anyway you could help me?
Thank you
Guest User
2011-12-13 01:19:11.000000
You may wish to consider metal shingles rather than long panels for easier transit. Also due to salt conditions if present, alumium or copper may be worth consideration.
Todd Miller
2011-12-13 02:16:48.000000
+1 on metal panel systems or contract with a roofer that has a panel former himself and can roll his own panels.