metal roof over 1 by 12 pitch, shingle

TOPIcs: Is A Metal Roof Right For My House

metal roof over 1 by 12 pitch, shingle

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Is the roof too flat to cover with metal roofing?
Guest User
2011-12-10 23:27:07.000000
There are mechanically seamed standing seam metal roofs that can be used at that low pitch.
Todd Miller
2011-12-11 03:00:10.000000
+1 At that low a pitch, your choices are limited in metal, or any roofing options for that matter. Mechanically seamed standing seam or a soldered metal roof are your only real options here. If you want another type of roof aesthetic, you can add slope to an existing roof but it can be difficult depending on how cut up the roof is.
Eric Novotny
2011-12-12 09:41:56.000000