Thanks for the question.
I have used Malcolm turbo shears. They work well. Cutting across the width of the panel can be tricky, especially at the ribs.
I have not used a pneumatic shears.
The other tool I have used for cutting metal panels is a 'nibbler'. In effect it is a pair of double shears that removes about a 3/8" wide strip of metal.
Good Luck,
David Stermer
David Stermer
2011-11-29 13:20:39.000000
So, I'm preparing to do a DIY metal roof installation using Classic Rib metal roofing panels. I'm going to purchase a shear to help with this, but being as I'm not a professional and won't need to use this much after installation, I'm trying to buy a less-than-professional quality piece of equipment. I've narrowed it down to 2 and would like your opinion:
Malcom TurboShear attachment for electric drills:
Kobalt Pneumatic shears:
I've ready plenty of reviews that say the Malcolm can get the job done. However, I'm thinking that the pneumatics would have more power. I know they can cut the flat panels, but I'm not 100% sure they can do the job with ribbed panels.
Anyone able to offer some suggestions?
Aaron Freeman
2011-11-29 13:10:19.000000
My roof is a hip roof so I'm going to be "cross cutting" basically every single piece of metal that goes up (oh the joy).