I have have a standing seam brick roll metal roof installed on my new home. I see extensive oil canning/fish tailing on each panel. When the panels are on the ground (not yet installed) they show no signs of this problem. Both my installer as well as the metal manufacturer agrees there is some excessive fish tailing (this is the term they use). I have been advised by them both that the metal will relax and the majority of this will go away in 4 - 6 months. It affects almost ever panel the full length. It has been a couple of weeks since installations and there is no change in the metals appearance. I cannot see the metal relaxing enough through natural expansion and contraction to fix this problem. Any ideas or thoughts about this would be helpful. I haven't paid the contractor for the work as I concerned about getting stuck with a faulty roof. Thanks for any information you can offer....
Guest User
2011-10-14 16:08:32.000000
I am not sure what fishtailing refers to. Oilcanning can sometimes be alleviated with a backer rod slipped down behind the middle of each panel. Here is a link to the MCA Technical Bulletin on oilcanning which may be helpful