Contractor just finished up with my metal roof and they have done an ok job up till now. Do not like how they finished out the angled gable on the front of the house. The gable projects out further at top than at the sides. (the roof on back of the house does not angle out, it is straight) They just cut the sheeting and installed the fascia cap up underneath the roof sheeting. Reason given is no way for them to channel water away in this situation. Can you help.
Guest User
2011-09-14 10:17:26.000000
I have a flared end gable roof that once was cedar she the contractor put metal on it now but I am afraid the metal can pull off the roof with high winds we sometimes get on Haida Gwaii. The metal is exposed to the wind under the gable ends. But the flare at the top stops our ability to put end fittings over the metal onto the gable to stop l;lifting what should we do. The gable is 3feet further out from top to bottom.
Guest User
2015-09-05 20:30:39.000000
i have the same problem, and I am wondering how to install a metal panel at the flared end. Is it possible to cut the metal panel diagonally with shears?
Guest User
2016-08-23 21:12:01.000000
Flared gables really need to be handled carefully. Incorrect ways of handling them will result in trapping ice and snow and also tree leaves, etc. You could also end up trying to channel more water than the flashing will handle.
The way yours has been done is good from the aspect of not trapping these things. I understand your concern for aesthetics. With some panels I recommend folding the roof panel down over the edge of flared gables into a pocket or something. However, that is pretty hard to do with the profile of metal roof that you have.
I am not sure I have any real good suggestions. I would advise they get some foam and cut closures to be inserted into the open end sof the ribs. They could also make some end plugs out of matching metal that might look better.
Maybe someone else will have a better solution. Sorry.
Todd Miller
2011-09-14 11:37:01.000000
Can they screw through the roof into each lathe board along the flared gable?
Todd Miller
2015-09-05 20:41:11.000000
If possible, use a gable edge trim that looks like a starter that you can actually cut the panels on the bias and lock them over the gable edge trim.