is a metal roof right for my house

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is a metal roof right for my house

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There is a great metal product out there for just about any house. If you'd like to send me or post pictures of your house, I might be able to provide some better ideas as to what would work well.
Todd Miller
2011-09-07 09:36:49.000000
Metal roofing can be installed by oneself and it sounds like your roof is fairly simple and would be a good candidate. I would suggest using this website to find some products you like and then inquiring with the manufacturers as to whether their product is available for DIY installation and, if so, how they obtain it. Also ask what they have as far as manuals, videos, or even training classes.
Todd Miller
2011-09-14 15:59:58.000000

I know of no such mandate in California but there could be peculiar things to your situation or there could be local code requirements. My best advice is to keep digging and pushing to get to the root of things. Also, there are metal system kits made specifically for re-roofing mobile homes. One of those might be more cost effective.

Todd Miller
2019-02-08 14:02:33.369385
We have asphalt shingles and ongoing leaks. Interested to know if metal roof would be the solution. Cost is also a factor. thank you for your response Ch Munding
ch munding
2011-09-07 09:26:03.000000
Metal is certainly, when done correctly, a nearly permanent solution. What look were you going for?
Eric Novotny
2011-09-12 07:37:59.000000

Help! Live in double wide and need new roof. Inspector told roofers they need to do metal roof. Roofer tells me its 40k and labor intensive opposed to shingle roof. Roof has slight pitch. Roofer wants to continue with shingle replacement but i dont want to have code violation and/penalties. Is it mandatory in california to put metal roof?

2019-02-08 13:53:17.450082

Yes metal roof is good for house

Brona Tony
2019-03-25 06:46:54.564352

If it’s time to install a new roof, the variety of options available can floor you. Asphalt shingles have long been known for their reliability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of maintenance, making them the most popular roofing material on the market today. But now there’s a variety of options that deserve consideration especially metal, the second most popular roofing material thanks to its durability, longevity.
Shingle roofs are cheaper upfront,
generally are easier to install and repair.
Metal roofs tend to be more durable and eco-friendly.

Alexane Lenia
2021-02-09 07:57:42.255927

If it’s time to install a new roof, the variety of options available can floor you. Asphalt shingles have long been known for their reliability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of maintenance, making them the most popular roofing material on the market today. But now there’s a variety of options that deserve consideration—especially metal, the second most popular roofing material thanks to its durability, longevity.
Shingle roofs are cheaper upfront,
generally are easier to install and repair.
Metal roofs tend to be more durable and eco-friendly.

Alexane Lenia
2021-02-09 09:01:19.611310

Asphalt shingle is a popular choice indeed. In my humble opinion, they're easier to be fixed compared to metal roof. Metal roof usually come in a huge sheet. So you have to take the whole thing off to fix the leak if patching fails. On the other hand, shingles are in small pieces. So, it can be repaired easily by identifying the damaged piece.

However, this all goes down to the inspection. If the frame underneath the roof tiles has rotten and may not be able to sustain the weight of the roof some time soon, then roof replacement is probably another option to consider.

As for choosing metal roof, it does have good and bad side to it. It is light and durable. Some say it can last as long as the house.

Here's some metal roof disadvantages that you should know about as well:

  • they're noisy. It's like the rain playing drums on your roof.
  • they dent easily if there's any impact on it like walking on the roof or falling tree branches
  • they expand easily, so the nail area that secures them together needs to be managed well. The constant expansion under the hot sun and contraction later at night will make this part vulnerable to leaks
  • they are prone to galvanic corrosion. That is the difference of metal used will cause deterioration to happen faster. But, this can be avoided if the roof contractor knows what he's doing.

Hope these opinions help!

2021-04-12 02:14:19.298167