Do ridge vents really work ?

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Do ridge vents really work ?

RETURN TO Installation
is venting needed when instaling a metal roof? im 21 so i dont know much but i always thought venting was for the keeping the shingles sure im way off just curious
Guest User
2011-08-20 02:04:32.000000
A great and reliable source of venting info is air I am a believer that ridge venting is very effective when done properly
Todd Miller
2011-08-18 12:32:13.000000
The purpose of ventilation is to rid the attic of potentially damaging moisture, to reduce the aummertime attic temperatures, and to help avoid weinter ice dams. The need for ventilation is pretty consistent regardless of what type of roof is installed. When a metal roof is installed without decking, though, the need for ventilation increases dramatically.
Todd Miller
2011-08-20 07:29:56.000000
They are wholeheartedly incorrect. The most proper ventilation is continuous soffit venting combined with ridge venting. If you want to email me, I can forward you a couple of articles that are done by people without a vested interest in promoting a product.
Eric Novotny
2011-08-19 08:31:33.000000
The only situation in which ventilation is not require is when the roof deck is the conditioned space barrier. Even in those applications, over deck ventilation is recommended. +1 on Todd's feedback.
Eric Novotny
2011-08-20 09:17:50.000000
When I install the roofing on my house, I am planning on continuous soffett and ridge venting. I have always heard that a continuous ridge vent, along with adequate soffett vents, is the optimum passive venting method. On, however, I came across this link,, that says ridge venting doesn't work. Of course, the article is by a company that's advertising its own venting product, so there may be some bias there. Basically, what they seem to be saying is that because ridge vents or ridge trims are shaped like an inverted 'V', that they block the hot air from escaping. What's the general consensus on whether or not ridge vents work ? Thanks, Arky
Jim Wright
2011-08-18 12:28:31.000000