metal on metal - strapping?

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metal on metal - strapping?

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Is there any issue if the current roof has rusting? To me, if you put a new roof over the old one - whats gong to stop it from continuing to rust?! Thank you for your help!
Guest User
2011-08-04 10:22:36.000000
I am not sure why the contractor is suggesting it to be honest. I never heard of it being done with a metal roof. Just seems like it would be heavy. I also have a bat issue that I am hoping to correct. Leaving the old roof seems like a bad idea with this additional problem! I am not very comfortable with the contractor and should go with my gut I guess. I just cant find many contractors up this way in Maine! Thanks for your help!
Guest User
2011-08-09 11:45:19.000000
You may want to look at a product called roofhugger. However, provided the battens attach to the rafters and this installation method is acceptable to the manufacturer of your new roof, I am okay with it.
Todd Miller
2011-08-03 18:21:42.000000
Now, that said, would I ideally do the instaalation this way on a home? Probably not.
Todd Miller
2011-08-03 18:23:07.000000
The separation of the two by battens should be helpful to protect against spreading corrosion. Also, you could put a layer of underlayment over the old roof before the battens are installed.
Todd Miller
2011-08-04 10:31:15.000000
What is your feeling on putting a new metal roof over the existing metal roof? Using wood strapping?
Nicole Nickolan
2011-08-03 15:03:08.000000
The absence of moisture will normally slow down the corrosion and oxidation. I would like to see an underlayment layer and some battens too as Todd mentions. Why not pull up the old roof?
Eric Novotny
2011-08-04 14:59:01.000000
Keep looking until you find the right contractor that you are comfortable with. Homeowners need to treat this as an investment and realize that some research will be required on their end of things. Click on the find a contractor button to the right as well and that may get you a few more names to sort through and interview.
Eric Novotny
2011-08-09 14:53:05.000000