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Brandon, thanks for your email. As you see on this site, there is a wide variety of metal roofing styles available -- to match every home style and to fit well within any neighborhood. The idea that condensation beneath metal is a problem is a myth. I have been in the industry for 30 years and never seen problems happen. That said, I have seen issues with inadequate attic ventilation and also incorrect product installation that led to problems which folks tried to blame on condensation but in fact that blame was misplaced. Condensation occurs when differential temperatures meet. If dew forms it will form on the outside of the metal not the underside. The underside of the metal will be basically the same as ambient temperature provided it is not being affected by inadequate attic ventilation. I hope this helps some.
Todd Miller
2011-06-02 19:03:09.000000
we are thinking of a metal roof to replace our roof now. We have a Cape Cod style house with old asphalt shingles. The shingles are getting in rough shape and in the back of the house it seems to be leaking under the shingles and running into the porch. From what I see that is happening in the neighbor hood is that everyone is using metal that looks like it belongs on a barn. They are leaving the old shingles on and placing 2x4's down and attaching the metal to that. Now I have been told this causes condesation and possible mold to grow. Is this ok or should all the shingles be taken off and start over. Thanks
brandon pagel
2011-06-02 15:31:37.000000
+1 Condensation issues are mostly (99%) as a result of high humidity in the attic and improper ventilation. Putting a roof on battens is certainly acceptable but the final decision on installation should be contingent on the source of the leak and what needs to be done to that first.
Eric Novotny
2011-06-03 00:49:43.000000