
TOPIcs: Condensation Issues


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would I be better off using a dehumidifier or putting a fan on the gable ? The roof doesnt have a ridge vent.
Guest User
2010-10-12 11:54:06.000000
I currently own a camp in which the metal roof was installed wrong. To give you an idea. From inside the attic looking out you would see wood slats running perpendicular to the trusses(approx 2"-3" gaps b/w slats).. some tar paper that has dried out and flaked off.. and then the metal roof.. The metal roof is now exposed and I can see the frost build up on the metal. Which is melting and dripping onto the new insulation I just put in the attic. I recently opened up the the gable vent and soffits to get more circulation but this hasnt helped.. Do I? 1. Buy spray foam and coat the inside of the attic to prevent the condensation? 2. Do I pull the metal roof off and install the plywood and the tar paper then proceed to put metal back on? 3. Do i install a gable fan to pull air up the roof and out the gable? Please any ideas or information would be greatly appreciated ....
Bob C
2010-10-11 10:32:56.000000
You can do one of 3 things: Control the humidity, add more ventilation, or prevent it from contacting the roof. I would first air seal the attic floor to prevent the migration of the humidity to the attic and make sure that you are controlling the humidity levels. Adding more ventilation to the attic will assist in getting that humidity out of the attic. Sprayfoaming the underside roof deck is expensive and only worthwhile if you are going to turn that attic into conditioned space.
Eric Novotny
2010-10-12 07:34:04.000000
Caulk and seal the attic floor and see if you have the same issue.
Eric Novotny
2010-10-13 10:51:58.000000