
TOPIcs: Condensation Issues


RETURN TO Condensation Issues
I previously installed metal roof w/vapor barrier over top of asphalt shingles w/plywood underlayment on approx. 800 sq ft residence w/hip roof. I also installed 4 roof vents. The owner is now having problems with condensation in the attic. The hallway under the attic has a drop in ceiling leading to the attic and could this be the cause of the condensation? Would installing a powervent combination humidity fan solve the problem? Thanks.
Guest User
2010-02-20 17:13:10.000000
If you are not going to seal off the source of the humidity, you need to move more air out of the attic. Is there any make up air from the eave to feed the roof vents? What type of vapor barrier did you use between layers? Installing a powervent that is on a humidistat would move the air out of the space but it would pull the conditioned space out of the home. If they have a humidifier on their AC, that thing will be kicking on constantly because you will be pulling all the humidity out of the home with the powervent.
Eric Novotny
2010-02-20 23:01:57.000000