possible condensation issues

TOPIcs: Condensation Issues

possible condensation issues

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I have a standing seam metal roof system installed on a 12/12 pitch roof with the roof deck being "sips" panel construction. There is no current intake or exhaust venting, and also no air gap between the metal panels and the roof deck (sips panels). Underlayment is 30# felt. I have removed some metal panels to investigate and found all nails in the felt paper to be rusted and the valley underlayment (still felt) cut down the middle of the valley. This house was not originally designed to have metal (contractor change during construction)installed. The leaks that occur do not have a pattern (such as wind driven rain ) and seem to leak at random,not always occurring with heavy rains or snow pack. Water color of the leaks is a dark rust brown almost black.The location of the residence is within 1/2 mile of lake Michigan so the humidity is constant. Could this be a very serious condensation issue and what would be the best solution to insure no more random leaks occur???
Guest User
2009-11-02 06:37:16.000000
Thank you for the response Todd. I was wondering if you could be more specific as far as the joints in the SIPS being done correctly. I assume some sort of taping/sealing to prevent moisture from seeping through. The vapor barrier you mention would be inside the SIPS and there is no visible means to determine this without disassembling a SIPS correct? Would contacting the manufacturer alleviate this concern or would they be reluctant to pass that information out if they did not vapor barrier the SIPS internally?
Guest User
2009-11-04 14:46:38.000000
I suspect strongly this is related to condensation and I wonder if there is a vapor barrier in the SIPS as there should be and also whether the joints in the SIPS are done right. I would suggest removing the roof, adding a vented airspace and then re-installing the roof.
Todd Miller
2009-11-04 07:48:56.000000