condensation / mold inside house

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condensation / mold inside house

RETURN TO Condensation Issues
I built a home with a t&g vaulted ceiling, 6" fiberglass insulation, 2x6 rafters, plywood decking, tar paper, and a metal roof. Venting is installed at the bottom and top of the roof, but we are having awful mold problems in the summer. I realize a number of things i did wrong with this construction. My question is, what is the most affordable fix for this situation?
Guest User
2009-02-21 08:39:09.000000
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like a HVAC problem not roofing. You must live in a high humidity climate. Interior air circulation problem, like you turn off your furnace in summer and no air flow? If it was my problem, I would install a small 6”exost fan in the highest point of the interior wall (vault), with a 6” exterior vent at the opposite side of the room for a return. (For summer use) Of course ceiling fans can help, and you could also install a dehumidifier.
Guest User
2009-02-21 12:53:58.000000
what is the nature of your mold issues? Where is the mold showing if in fact it is visible?
Guest User
2009-02-22 20:55:52.000000
Yes, we are in a humid climate. However, we open our south facing clear story windows, and our lower story air intake windows in the summer as we do not have (or want) an AC. We also run a ceiling fan. We did install a vent fan in our bathroom last year as well. The mold shows on the underside of the t&g ceiling boards. sporter
Guest User
2009-02-23 12:20:52.000000
Feel free to call me sometime and we can talk this though. 1-800-543-8938 ext 201
Todd Miller
2009-02-21 21:17:36.000000