ok here's the issue and I have printed off some of the other replies but just so I get the perfect answer here's the deal Ok we put on an addition this past summer as a living room with a ventless heater and a metal roof... things were going ok til xmas morning when things warmed up a little out side and I looked up and saw 8 water stains on my new ceiling... so upon investigation we found that there was frost on the tar paper hubby put under the metal roofing.. now, he did install ventilation in the eves as well as one good sized one in one end of the building.. however He put the metal roofing on a layer of tar paper ..only and nailed to the rafters.. well someone said we didn't put in enough insulation and heat was getting thru the ceiling somehow... so we bought more insulation to layer across the existing one.. then the other day again it warmed up and oh we have another spot.. well back to home depot and he bought,Ithink they are called soffits, he has now nailed these to the rafters and we are crossing our fingers... does this sound ok? Or is there another issue.. oh and we bought a dehumidifier too.
Guest User
2009-01-19 18:17:52.000000
When a ridge vent is added you should probably remove or cap off the gable end vent. It is never a good idea to mix venting systems. Air can actually enter through the top and fill your attic area with snow.
Guest User
2009-01-21 08:19:53.000000
You may need to add a ridge vent to the roof to fully take care of this.