curved corrugated roof

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curved corrugated roof

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Do you recommend a drip edge on corrugated metal roofs? My builder says no just let the metal overhang the edge of the wood about 2 inches. It doesn't look or sound right to me especially on a house in Vermont.
Guest User
2003-01-30 17:23:09.000000
I strongly urge you to contact the manufacturer of the product you plan to use and pose these questions to them. Most corrugated styles will require factory-bending, particularly for the tighter radius you mention. As for the rake trim, you can notch a standard rake trim and get it to curve but it won't be real pretty. I suggest some sort of solid surface cover for the rake which has been cut to the proper radius out of a large piece of flat product. Also, some of the shingle style metal roofs have rake detail which work very well on radiuses. These products also often "step" right up and over a curved roof very easily.
Todd Miller
2003-01-30 03:11:50.000000
Hi Paul, My advice is to always adhere to the manufacturer's instructions. That said, the typical application calls for underlayment installation, with hanging the underlayment over the eave dge by an inch and a half or so, followed by cleat (optional), drip edge, butyl sealant, and the roof panels.
Todd Miller
2003-01-30 22:13:39.000000
I'm having trouble coming up with a rake detail for a curved roof of galvanized corrugated steel. Will something have to be manufactured to the specific radius of the curve, or is there some way to bend a metal rake trim in the field? Although the roof will be galvanized, we want the trim to be prefinished white (owners want zero maintenance). Also, can the galvanized corrugated sheets (I'm assuming 26 gauge) be curved in the field by attaching one end and bending to the curved substrate, or will the sheets have to be curved in the factory? For both of the above, there are two radii involved: 10' and 25'.
Tom Tom
2003-01-27 12:24:20.000000