Corrugated roofing around existing skylights

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Corrugated roofing around existing skylights

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We are going to be replacing or existing tar & gravel roofing on a low pitch roof, and would welcome any suggestions. In particular how do we address flashing around 2 existing skylights in the covered breezeway between the house & garage?
Guest User
2008-04-15 10:32:00.000000
Corrugated roofing is always a challenge to flash around roof penetrations like chimneys and skylights. Corrugated profiled panels are not reccomended on a pitch under 3:12. There are other shapes of thru-fasten panels that can accomodate roof slopes as low as 1/4:12, being said your skylights will still be a challenge and need to be addressed correctly. You need an experienced metal roofer not the lowest bidder. The more you learn about metal roofs, and research your installer, and referals the better of an installation you'll get. Remember corrugated profile is a historic panel from the 1900's not an engineered system.
Guest User
2008-10-20 15:10:12.000000
Thanks Ron.
Todd Miller
2008-10-31 20:49:04.000000