condensation on a metal roof

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condensation on a metal roof

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We just built a new house. Temps have been below freezing and condensation built up. The metal roof is just on the rafters. Any idea as to what we can do to fix this problem? Condensation dripped throughout the house ceilings. Thanks.
Guest User
2008-01-22 00:45:43.000000
We have the same problem. We built our house and we are having condensation. Our metal is also just on 2x4 slates. Let me know if you find the right answer. So far my first steps are to eliminate any possible ways that the warm air from my house can get into my attic. Condensation occurs when warm moist air meets the cold surface of the metal. So, if I don't let the warm air get up there then it won't come in contact with the metal.
Guest User
2008-01-24 20:10:45.000000
Well at the time we didn't know any better about using OSB. We had our house inspected, we had permits and had to pass all inspections. I think the buiding inspectors should have known about all this and required OSB to be put down, but I guess they don't know either. So, I got an estimate on spray foam it was going to be $3000.00 for my house which is only 816 sq ft. I can handle taking the roof back off and putting down OSB but will that really stop all this? As of right now we have 2x4s over over trusses and the metal is attached to that. Can we apply the OSB over the 2x4s, then felt paper, then metal or do we need something between the paper and metal?
Guest User
2008-01-25 09:41:11.000000
Personally I would never have installed residentially without decking. You want to eliminate the warmth, the moisture and / or the cold surface. Spraying the back side of the roofing with closed cell urethane insulation is an option.
Todd Miller
2008-01-24 20:21:37.000000
Do you have any ventilation?
Todd Miller
2008-02-06 08:01:08.000000