Corrugated Roof Edge Openings

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Corrugated Roof Edge Openings

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Hi: Are the end openings of corrugated roofing supposed to be closed off in some way to prevent wasps or mice for from getting in for example? I have attached a picture. Thanks
Guest User
2007-07-16 07:11:20.000000
I have had Starlings make nest in holes in my roof and I used the spray expanding foam to fill up the holes and if the foam expands out from the hole I just cut it off with a knife to make it look good.
Guest User
2008-08-08 04:53:56.000000
I would not recommend doing this without checking with the roofing mfr first.
Todd Miller
2008-08-09 10:04:38.000000
All the manufacturers that I know offer foam closures to seal these voids. I would recommend using them to prevent entry by birds and insects and to prevent blowing rain or snow from entering the roof cavity.
Ken Buchinger
2007-07-16 09:25:52.000000