I need to know if the corrugation on the start of the course over the end of the building should be going up or down? Also is the overlap of 2 inches enough and should any screws go through the overlap joint? The pitch of the roof is 4/12.
Guest User
2007-07-12 10:34:33.000000
I assume you are talking about the corrugated panel. It does not matter which way the corrugation is oriented at a rake. At the side lap, the top panel should point down and overlap the adjacent panel 1-1/2 to 2 corrugations, depending upon where the corrugations end (some panels may be rollformed with the corrugations pointing the same direction on each side or they may have one side pointing up and one side pointing down). Do not install fasteners through the side laps. Panels should overlap 4"-6" at the end lap, with tape sealant installed between the panels, slightly downslope from the end lap fasteners.