Corrugated versus Standing Seam Roof

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Corrugated versus Standing Seam Roof

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
We are considering putting up a metal garage and carport on our property. Our CC&R's state that a standing seam metal roof and siding is allowed but a corrugated metal roof is not. Can you tell me or direct me to a website that explains the difference between these two types of roofing? Thanks
Guest User
2007-03-08 18:39:15.000000
So, if the fasteners, such as screws, go through from the outside to anchor the metal panel and you can see them from up on the roof, then it is not a standing seam roof? Is there any other way to make sure we are using standing seam roofing materials?
Guest User
2007-03-09 16:09:08.000000
As a general rule, corrugated will have exposed fasteners and an overlap on the joints. Standing seam will have concealed fasteners and an actual raised locking joint of some sort between panels.
Todd Miller
2007-03-09 10:17:26.000000
There are some occasions on a standing seam where there may be some exposed fasteners but the majority of the fasteners are concealed either on a fastening flange along one edge of the panel or through clips which attach to the panel. Through fastened products usually just overlap on the vertical joints whereas standing seam panels actively engage in one way or another.
Todd Miller
2007-03-10 08:30:28.000000