Corrugated Roofing

TOPIcs: Corrugated Roof

Corrugated Roofing

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
I was wondering if there is a standard for vent and other type stack protrusions in corrugated roofing. Most of the stacks are installed in the valleys between the ridges, which causes water to dam up upslope of the stack. I would think that cutting sections of roofing material as needed so that the stacks do not interrupt the valleys and the flow of water would be the better of the installation methods. The roof pitch appears to be approximately 3/12. Should I have them come back and re-do the roof at the stacks or would installing diverters be a better option??
Guest User
2002-10-09 16:49:15.000000
There are several types of pipe flashings available which work well with metal roofing. Generally, these will be installed in the "flats" of the roofing rather than on the ribs just because it easier to get them to seal down that way. Most of these flashings are a combination of rubber and metal and butyl sealant which then all gets screwed down to the roof. I would suggest contacting the manufacturer of your roofing to see exactly which flashing brand / type they suggest with your roof panel.
Todd Miller
2002-10-10 07:34:57.000000