I am wondering about the correct way to install roof jacks on corrugated roofing. Especially because most standard roof jacks are designed flat. I am having a disagreement with a friend over the correct way to install them. I only see two options: A)Place the jack OVER the corrugated panel and bend over ribs, except where the jack can obviously be trimmed to fit between ribs, and silicone under and edges (my method.) B) Cut the roofing and tuck jacks underneath, and silicone the top edge, more similar to what you would envision with composition roofing (his method.) The problem with the cut and tuck on corrugated that I see is; if your jack happens to be centered on rib, then you have to fill an average 1"-1 1/4" with something to prevent having a future leak issue. Any thoughts on this?
Guest User
2006-08-06 15:14:56.000000
Will this also work on Propanel or just corrugated roofs?
Guest User
2006-10-26 00:13:18.000000
There is a brand of flashings called DekTite which are flexible. They go on top of the panels and conform easily to the ribs.
Todd Miller
2006-08-15 07:12:28.000000
They are pretty universal and work on virtually all panels.