Corrugated Panels Leaking

TOPIcs: Corrugated Roof

Corrugated Panels Leaking

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
I had beatiful hunter green standing seam roof installed on my farmhouse -love it! Loving the new metal so much I decided to do a DIY roof, slight slope, but now my corrugated (wavy s type) roof is leaking along the seam edges. I have used capped gasketed screws (on the 'high points') and layed a bead of polyurethane under rib as a sealer but....The high point eave (on shed)hangs over 10" freely is this flexation causing capillary leaking furhter down the roof? To fix can I polyurethane caulk each of the seams externally to stop water intrusion? should I paint a elasto coating upon the whole roof or just the seams? - which elast type? Would cutting back the high eave to a manageable 1-2" help stop this? Thank You
Guest User
2002-09-27 14:45:48.000000
a portion of the panel on this slant roof that I have extending over the (fascia board-soffit?)on the high end of the roof (to protect stacked wood below). That being said those 'top edges' ends of the panel are not connected......the water could enter there and then run down the seams.... :( Sorry I am unable to post pics. The roof has a pitch, not flat, I have seen rain drops pool in the 'valleys' collect and run down the length of the roof that being said the roof is comprised of a 12 ft and 10 ft panels overlapped... To remedy I plan to cut back the 'high end overhang' to a manageable 2 " from the (facia board?)and form/insert a drip edge underneath this leading these seams get capillary leakage...if sealing the seams is not advised would/is an overall top- coat of something a good thought for waterproofing further? Thanks.
Guest User
2002-09-28 06:45:20.000000
First, make sure that the product was not installed on a lower slope than its manufacturer suggests. If it was, then there isn't much hope for repair. Otherwise, look up higher on the roof -- is there any way water is getting in at the top? I am not sure I understand your reference to the 10" overhang -- sorry. This type of panel should not require sealing of the seams; I would sure search hard for other areas of infiltration. If you'd like to email me some photos to review, please do so --
Todd Miller
2002-09-27 22:36:51.000000
My company does not manufacture that type of roofing so I am not as familar with it as I am other types but sealants or coatings really should not be necessray, especially if the roof was installed at proper pitch. You might consider checking diractly with one of the major manufacturers of products such as yours. Fabral and Metal Sales both come to mind. The flashing you're planning to add sounds very appropriate. Sorry I am not being of more help. Feel free to call me at my office if you'd like names of people at the above companies -- Tel. 800 543 8938 ext 210 Good luck.
Todd Miller
2002-09-29 01:52:27.000000