Mesh Closure Strips for Corrugated Roofing

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Mesh Closure Strips for Corrugated Roofing

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Try one of the metal magazines who have product listings., Metal Roofing Magazine, Metal Architecture by modern trade, krause publications.
Allan Reid
2006-06-02 07:32:47.000000
I'm building a feed storage barn with corrugated 26ga galvalume, and need a source for vented (mesh type) closure strips, for use on the high and low ends of a single slope roof. I can find the strips for R or U panels, from various metal building manufacturers, but not in a corrugated profile (29" coverage, 7/8" corrugation height, 2 3/4" corrugation spacing). Any thoughts on a source for this would be appreciated.
John Hime
2006-06-01 10:15:23.000000