What about corrugated metal roofing?

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What about corrugated metal roofing?

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
We need a new roof soon, and I'd like to go with a metal roof. I really like the looks of corrugated metal roofing, but haven't found a lot of information on it here in the US. It seems to be more popular overseas. Is it available in the US? What are the advantages/disadvantages vs. verticle standing-seam? What are the price differences? Thanks!
Guest User
2001-05-09 22:05:54.000000
There are lots of options available in today's metal roofing. If you go to the following URL, you can link to manufacturers of all types of products:http://www.metalroofing.com/members.cfm?action=about
Todd Miller
2001-05-14 23:59:31.000000