Metal garage with terrible condensation problems

TOPIcs: Condensation Issues

Metal garage with terrible condensation problems

RETURN TO Condensation Issues
Condensation occurs when warm moist air hits a cool surface. So, to stop condensation, you have to eliminate either the warm moist air (often done through ventilation) or the cool surface (a wee bit hard to eliminate). Really, about all I can think of would be insulating the walls and roofs with an insulation which has a vapor barrier on the warm side. You will want to make sure that the vapor barrier is completely sealed so that air does not get through it.
Todd Miller
2005-12-09 11:21:25.000000
I've got a 30 x 30 all metal garage over a concrete floor. No insulation. no interior walls, partitions, or hanging ceiling. Building has NO venting what-so-ever (foam seal between roof and gable walls has some gaps - so a tiny bit of unintentional venting). Contractor out of business & unreachable (had good reputation too). This is not a business, just my garage. Though I had a leak, & caulked some seams, but recently realized problem is condensation. In NC winters, we get a lot of temp variation. Condensation is terrible now - especially if I add a bit of heat to the garage (kerosene heater0 while I'm working there. What can I do to retrofit? I don't want a huge expense to insulate the whole building. Most of the time it is completely unheated. Just heat when I'm there and it is too cold for me. Any help and ideas are appreciated.
danny cagle
2005-12-09 09:53:35.000000