
TOPIcs: Condensation Issues


RETURN TO Condensation Issues
can a metal roof have condensation in the early morning in the middle of june like 6am and would it be slippery?And is the roof slippery when it is dirty?Can someone climb on it and not fall off in these conditions?
Guest User
2006-08-15 14:22:24.000000
Condensation and frost occur when warm moist air hits a cool surface. Ways to minimize this contact include vapor barriers, insulation, and ventilation. In your case, chances are that what you need to achieve is complete ventilation (eave to ridge) along the bottom side of the roof deck.
Todd Miller
2005-11-03 21:10:34.000000
Condensation occurs when the dewpoint is reached. That can happen in June, sure. Can dirt on a roof make it slippery? Sure, particularly if you add moisture to that equation. Should someone get up on a wet and slippery roof? No.
Todd Miller
2006-08-15 15:13:58.000000
Commercial building with metal roof. Just had the metal recoated. Roof in good shape. Interior has dropped panel ceiling with insulation. Building has vents and 2 fans to help with venting. When there is a frost, it leaks thru the dropped panel ceiling. What is causing the problem? Too much ventilation, Not enough ventilation??
h jones
2005-11-03 15:05:23.000000