Metal roofing dimensions

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Metal roofing dimensions

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
I am a roof adjuster for an insurance company in the midwest. We get a lot of hail claims during the summer. Is there a standard overall "dimension" or "range of dimensions" that would cover 80-90% of the 24 and 26 gage metal roofs, including coatings? it all over the place? Mostly interested in corrugated roofs, but would appreciate additional information as well.
Guest User
2005-05-03 17:10:17.000000
Dear Paul: Galvanised roof paneling has been a typical roofing material for barns and sheds for many years and has traditionally come in l0 foot ong sheets, 26 inches wide. Lighter gauges have been used in sheds and small out buildings while heavier gauge sheeting has always been recommended for permanent buildings housing valuable supplies and people. I am intersted in the availability of corraguated roof sheeting in l4 foot lengths. If you find it, post it and we will appreciate your help.
Guest User
2005-05-04 20:54:47.000000
Mr. Reid: I am sorry I didn't make it clear that I was looking for the typical thickness dimensions Paul
Guest User
2005-05-12 07:34:01.000000
Typically you will see the gage and width standard by profile. The typical 5V crimp is a utility panel in 29 gage and as you move up in gage the profiles narrow. 24 gage is considered a commercial type steel generally rollformed into panels with structural properties. Residential standing seam gets into more variations as there are a considerable number of portable machines and steel suppliers. Some in fact have variable widths to work with differant steel suppliers. Hence to answer your question it will be hard to pigeon hole it. I would however suggest that you go to our member mfg web sites and you can start to build your own profile on products.
Allan Reid
2005-05-06 08:52:12.000000
Metal roofing is till descibed in gage as a carry over from the earlier days of sheet steel and have a certain thickness range that overlap between gages. Today steel is measured and reported in thousands of an inch in their product approval reports. To add to that description, differant countries had differant tollerance levels. Typically a utility panel described as 29 gage is 0.0142" minimum thickness. Generally mid range rollformed products descibed as 28gage or approximately min 0.016" thick. The mid high level residential products are described as 26 gage or 0.018" thick and then the commercial products are generally structural and are either 24 gage, min 0.025" and 22 gage min 0.030"
Allan Reid
2005-05-13 07:54:50.000000