
TOPIcs: Condensation Issues


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My husband and I built a new chalet and installed metal roofing. The rafters are 2x12x24 and perlings are 2x4s. We have a vent in the attic, vent at the peak, vented soffit, proper vents directly under metal, R30 insulation and High R on the ceiling. We still have condensation only when it is very cold and sunny. We are afraid to put up the knotty pine on the cathedral ceiling(which has 2 huge ceiling fans) and the water is ruining our sheetrock. My husband is a contractor and has talked with many people with no success. Is there anything else we can do without having to take off the roof? Is the high R enough of a vapor barrior? Thanks for any advice in advance.
Guest User
2005-02-25 13:50:52.000000
There really should be a vapor (air) barrier such as polyethylene with sealed seams behind the drywlal or other ceiling covering. It sounds like you have all the other bases covered and that you have made sure that your vents are all working properly.
Todd Miller
2005-02-26 06:56:13.000000