steel over shingle

TOPIcs: Gauges

steel over shingle

How does the roof have to be prepared going over shingle that in fair condition with 26 gauge metal.
Guest User
2004-12-09 08:20:22.000000
Once you have selected a product then contact the manufacturer and get their recommendations or look up their product approval report which dictates how it is to be applied. Unlike shingles there are many metal roofing sytems out there with special features and benefits so analyse your needs and choose wisely as you are making a lifetime decision. Some products are designed to apply over a shingle under certain conditions and all require a moisure barrier underlayment. The building codes now call for certain ventilation requirements which should be complied with as it is the most important aspect of a healthy, long lasting roof assembly.
Allan Reid
2004-12-10 07:46:47.000000